Acolpacha Casona Arequipa


Arequipa is one of the most important cities in southern Peru.

Story tells, that Inca Mayta Capac gave approval to his subjects petition to stay and establish in this beautiful valley surrounded by volcanos. Arequipa name comes from the Quechua word “Ari Quepay” which means “you can stay”.

The waters of the Chili river and the fértil land of the valley made it an agricultural and cattle raising hub for the Inca empire. With the arrival of the Spaniards, the main city was built, primarily using “sillar”for the structure, carved wood for the doors and windows and black iron fences.  Red flowers (usually geraniums) were used to decorate sillar structures, complementing its beauty.

Sillar is a stone extracted from local quarries and the product of volcanic ash transformed over millions of years. You will find sillar giving life to many colonial buildings, churches and “casonas” which constitute an architectural uniqueness in the world.

Acolpacha is a “casona de sillar” located in the historical downtown, very close to the “Royal road” to the city and within a few feet from the “Old Bridge”, today known as Puente Bolognesi. In colonial times, it was the main access to the center of the city. Its construction dates back to the 18th century.

In old pre-hispanic Peru, travelers would rest in “Tambos” located on the side of the roads. During Colonial times, casonas were present at the entrance of the cities to provide lodging to visitors, allowing for a comfortable stay and easy access to the city.

Alcopacha Tambo Boutique is a cultural and sustainable space which was born with the main goal to shelter and comfort city visitors while respecting and valuing natural resources provided by “Mama Pacha” (Mother Earth).

We are conscious of the geographic realities of Arequipa and the climate change effecting the world and we plan to make a difference within tourism and hotel services. We rescued the architectural value of this 200 year old structure and adapted to modern comfort and functionality using the leading recyclable, renewable and green technologies to protect local and natural resources.

Acolpacha Casona Arequipa
Plano ubicacion acolpacha 1920

We are located over Calle La Recoleta, immediately after its bifurcation with Calle Beaterio, within the historical center of the city. Behind us, there are remnants of the “Tambo Ruelas”, one of the few ones that has preserved its unaltered structure and character. From our terrace, you can have a panoramic view of the city and its structures, the majestic Vulcanoes and also the Tambo, which can bring you back in time more than 200 years.

Source: Map of The Recoleta XVIII Century, archives Maria Eugenia Tomasio de Bouroncle.

We are proud to be within Arequipa’s historical center, and a true modern revival of the structures that made our town a Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as recognized by UNESCO.

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